Saturday, March 14, 2009

Perry Trying to Build Support by Rejecting Unemployment Funding and More...

In an article by Jason Embry in today's Austin American-Statesman, Governor Perry has been stepping up his legislative and seemingly conservative leadership positions in an effort to build support for his re-election bid.
The governor was very clear since Day One that he is opposed to any part of this bill that would have an undue burden on taxpayers, long after the federal funds have dried up," Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle said.
Among Perry's efforts cited in the AAS article are:
  • Announcing his opposition to $555 Million in Federal Stimulus funding despite warnings from the chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, Tom Pauken, that the TWC could become insolvent within months;
  • Promoting a new "Choose Life" license plate for Texas vehicles;
  • Calling for a Texas constitutional amendment to forbid the acquisition of land for non-public use through condemnation proceedings.
Other recent moves not identified in the article include the Governors announcement through TxDOT executive director Amadeo Saenz this past January stating the controversial Texas Trans-Corridor project was canceled. Additionally, this week, the Governor took steps to mitigate a potentially damaging report about three generals in the Texas Military Forces that have been double-dipping in pay.

Perry's attempt to build support by rejecting federal dollars for unemployment didn't go unoticed by Senator Hutichinon's team. Wayne Slater was wise to write in yesterday's Dallas Morning News that essentially Hutchinson's response was short, concise and calculated:
"I hope that the governor has carefully thought through the potential outcomes of today's decision," Hutchison said in a written statement.
Now, here in Texas we like to say, them there are fightin' words.

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